Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Our little girl has a big girl hair style here thanks to her mom. Along with the rest of her body, the red hair seems to be growing at an alarming rate. Ava is starting to act older to. She likes to grab at things and guide them to her mouth. She enjoys time by herself under a jungle gym with dolls and toys hanging down to hit. She loves to make funny sounds and is starting to understand a few gestures when it comes to feeding time. She likes to try and roll over and got her first major battle scare. The more she starts to show her own look, Kristin and I have debates on what features came from which parent.

Looking at this picture, you can see my eyes are hazel and her blue eyes are not from me.

Moms eyes are brown but her nose and lips are most definitely a match.

She leans her head, lifts her arm, kicks her leg, and with a couple of grunts....

TA DA!!! Role over. and for my next trick...somersaults.

These pictures show her first real "OUWEEE". Puppy Philly just wanted to play. Luckily she healed up just fine.