Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Star is Born...STELLA!!!!!!!

SHE'S HERE!!!! Kristin has once again givin me a beautiful little girl named Stella.(not sure on middle name yet) We arrived at the hospital at 6:00 A.M. and officially delivered at 8:08 of 7/07/2010. She was 22 inches and 8 pounds 9 ounces. Kristin underwent a C-section and this time we knew it was coming. Evering thing went great and Ava is glad to finnally meet her little sister. WATCH OUT STELLA!!

Here are a few pics..
Put me back in, put me back in now!!
We were guessing much more;
kk--> 9 lb 3 oz
pk--> 10 lb 1 oz
Chillin under the heat lamps for a few tests..passed them all like her parents.
Ava finally meet Stella. I guess I'm destined to be surrounded by beautiful women the rest of my life...Woe is me.
First bubble crying at all.
First of many "Juice Baba's" administered by Ava Lolabelle.
. Come and see me..I've a my eye on you.