20 weeks or half way
That's right its a girl. Kristin and I found out on Friday the 29th. Our 20 week ultrasound was delayed for a few weeks due to school scheduling and I couldn't wait any longer. I dragged Kristin to the mall and got the news from Fetal Photography. When she told us it was a girl, Kristin yelled,"Shut up!!! Are You kidding me!!!" My father was sure it was a girl from the first day we told him we were pregnant. So KK was sure it was a boy (probably just to disagree with a different Kristensen male for a change). I guess she's only right 99.9% of the time. I thought it would be cute to post a few pictures of us when we were kids so you can get an idea of what this creation will turn out like.
Here is a picture of KK. Notice the cutie-pie cheeks and not so blonde hair. I guess that sleeping on your stomach was more acceptable in 1975.

This is PK with older brother Rick. Notice the pudgy nose and dark hair. I was the 7th of 9 children and the youngest boy out of 6.
More pictures to come.
i am so excited for you guys i'm about to pee my pants! but i won't. you, however will be cleaning up pee pants all too soon.
This is Jeani and Miriam from work. She has got to be the cutest baby we've seen in a LONG time. Can't get over that hair. And the new mamma looks HOT!!
Enjoy your time off.
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