Actually Ava is more like 13 months now. We have had a lot of fun celebrating with family. I am sad that my girl is growing up so fast but also exited because she is so much fun with all her one year old attitude. Ava Lolabelle likes to thrash wildly back and forth when she is taken from an activity she really wants to be doing, and sometimes throws a open hand slap to the face, especially when we try to take something out of her hand. (SO CUTE) I figure this will translate to a killer serve when she picks up a tennis racket. She signs for all kinds of things like: baby, ball, please, more, milk, bird, all done. Her first word (besides mama, dada, bram-pa, and bram-ma) is BALLOON thanks to the three birthday parties we threw her!!! I think every one year old should get a birthday celebration that last a week.
Thanks to her Aunt Anna, she had a wonderful cake that she ate, well sort of ate.
For spring break we spent a week at Betty's cabin in Dutch John. Ava filled her pockets with rocks. She is starting a collection early.
Here Ava got her first taste of swinging solo. She didn't know what to think at first.
Soon she decided it was fun and even laughed a little.
She has taken her first few steps by herself but still prefers to cover long distances on the ground. I say whats the rush, she has the rest of her life to be upright.
Here's one of my most favorite pictures so far. She was in the best mood this day and thanks to her mom, had a very cute pair of ponytails. This is her "I can get away with anything" look.