Sad Ava with red eyes, cough, and tons of secretions!
Daddy dressed me up & feeling better today!
Last week Ava was diagnosied with RSV........ an acronym for an Adult cold in a baby. Of course I have spent the last week suctioning, giving breathing treatments, counting respirations, giving chest physiotherapy...and crying. I am sure that we have spent the last 4 weeks indoors, washing hands with saintizer and sick vistiors wearing masks...and still Ava & I get sick. She is doing much better this week but still has a man-sized cough in her tiny body :( My PED said Ava could not ask for a better mom to take care of her right now....I said I do not want to be that kind of mom!
She is still happy as ever with a new trick of smiling when she is talked to & a big frown when she is sad! Thanks for all the calls of seems when Ava does have a visitor about 3 days later they are sick too.....Ava "vector" Kristensen. We miss seeing all the grandparents! My mom came by last Friday...not as a Grandma but a serious medical visit (G-Ma is a PED nurse practitioner) to assess Ava's clinical sunday my mom has the same cough as out!